How to Make an Older Fixer Upper House More Energy Efficient

Making an older fixer upper house more energy efficient is not only a great way to help the environment, but it can also save you money in the long run. Taking steps like replacing old appliances with Energy Star certified ones and properly insulating windows and attics are essential for creating a greener, more energy-efficient home. In this article, we will look at how making your home more energy efficient can benefit both you and the planet through a few simple steps to get you started.

Get Rid of Old Appliances

Old appliances, especially refrigerators, dishwashers and washing machines, are often large energy users. Older models that have been in your home for a while can be prone to wasting energy. Refrigerators tend to be the worst offenders because they need to run all day, every day to keep food cold and fresh. Even as inefficient as older machines used to be, they can become even more so in the long run, so it’s a great place to start modernizing. Replacing these old appliances with newer models that are Energy Star certified will help make your home much more energy-efficient and save you money on your energy bills at the same time.

Insulate the Windows

Did you know that up to 30% of a home’s energy use is lost through the windows? If you’re in an older home, here are the steps to insulate the windows and prevent energy leakage:

1. Measure the windows to determine how much insulation you will need

2. Choose an appropriate type of insulation for the window frames, such as foam strips or plastic sheeting

3. Install weatherstripping around the edges of the windows to help prevent air leakage

4. Apply caulking around all trim and moldings on each window frame

5. Check for any gaps between the insulation and frame and fill them with caulk or expanding foam sealant

Insulate the Attic

Insulating the attic is an essential step to make your home energy efficient. A lot of energy from the air conditioning pumping air into the attic through gaps and leaks. Poor insulation in the attic can cause air leakage and drafts, leading to uncomfortable temperatures throughout your home. By properly insulating the attic, you can prevent this kind of leakage and greatly reduce the energy use in your home.

Fixer upper homes are a great way to get more house for your money, but they can come with some hidden costs – like outdated appliances and poor insulation. By getting rid of old appliances and improving the home’s energy efficiency, you can modernize an old fixer upper and end up saving money in the long run.

Check out this article on other common issues to expect with fixer uppers!

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